Monday, June 1, 2009

Level Bomber II is here!

It's more than a month since last update. Sorry for keep you guys waiting! "Level Bomber II - Tour of Duty" is finally finished! Although it is a sequel to "Level Bomber Remake" and the game looks somewhat similar, but in fact more than 80% coding is rewritten to fit the new features.

New features:
  1. Instead of flying single sorties, this time you'll go for a tour of duty of 24 missions
  2. 4 different bombers can be chosen at your desire. Each bomber has their pros and cons.
  3. In addition to wind effect, this time you will also facing enemy fighters and AA flak. Your bomber will be damaged by them.
  4. You can save your game between each mission. Your previous mission outcome is also saved.
Installation Instructions:
  1. Download the file through the link above.
  2. Unzip it and place the game file wherever you want.
  3. Execute the game by double click in "bomber2.exe".
Play instruction:
  1. In the Main screen, select either a new game or load your previous saved game (if any).
  2. After starting a new game, you can choose your bomber and enter your callsign.
  3. Mission briefing will give you the overview of the upcoming mission:
    • Current Mission: The mission number of your tour of duty
    • Target: The target type of current mission
    • Wind: The strength of the wind over target area
    • Enemy Fighters: Expected quantity of enemy interceptors
    • AA Gun: Expected quantity of ground Anti-air gun/artillery
  4. You may check your previous record, save your game or click "TAKE OFF!" to play.
  5. First phase of the mission is to shoot down enemy fighters as many as possible. Move the crosshair with your mouse to aim, press left button to shoot.
  6. When you see AA flak explosions, you are closing to your target
  7. Press [Space] to drop the bombs when you feel timing right.
  8. Score at least 1 hit to make it a successful mission.
  9. If your bomber health reached 0, you are shot down and game over.
  10. Keep flying to see if you are able to survive all 24 missions.
If you love this game please donate to us!

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